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Todays Greeting
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Friday 3 May 2013

Magic Wand Tool (Photoshop)

Magic Wand Tool is a selection tool. It selects pixels based on color and tolerance. Tolerance is the main part of this tool. It selects based on given tolerance. When Magic Wand Tool is selected the Tolerance option will appear on top of menu. If more tolerance is given (enter the value in pixels between 0 to 255) large part of same color pixels with less difference will select. If less tolerance is given it selects less part of area with same color pixels will select.

Magic Wand Tool

Magic Wand tool selects same color of pixels until the edge (until other color pixel touches). The selection doesn’t enter into other color. If other color wants to be selected press Shift key on keyboard while clicking with Magic Wand tool. It adds one color of selection to other color selection. To subtract any selection, click on selection with pressing Alt key on keyboard.

Magic Wand Tool Selection and Tolerance

For smooth edges select Anti-aliased option on top menu. If Contiguous option on menu is selected, same color selects until the edge. If Contiguous is deselected, the same color without connection will select on entire image. That means if we click on red color, entire red color on the image without connection with each other will select.

Bitmap mode images and 32 bit per channel images are not useful for Magic Wand Tool.

Any doubts please comment.

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