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Wednesday 8 May 2013

Select Menu (Photoshop) – Part 3

Select Menu Options (Continued form previous post):

Grow – It is similar to Magic Wand Tool with Contiguous option selected. It grows the existing selection. It uses Magic Wand Tool Tolerance value to grow the selection. It selects the same color pixels inside existing selection with Magic Wand Tolerance. If two colors inside the selection, then the two color pixels will select with Magic Wand Tool tolerance.

Similar – This option works like Magic Wand Tool without Contiguous option selected. It works like Grow option but it selects disconnected areas of the image. It also uses Magic Wand Tool Tolerance value to select the pixels of the image.

Transform Selection – It works like Free Transform option in Edit menu. Free Transform transforms layer objects but Transform Selection transform for any selection. With this Transform Selection we can transform any selection on the image like Scale, Rotate, Skew, Distort, Perspective, Warp, Rotate 180, Rotate 90 CW, Rotate 90 CCW, Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical.

Save Selection – Saves any number of selections one after one for further use. It stores in Photoshop memory. If the image is closed then saved selections will not available. To save any selection on image use this option and give same name for it. If we want other selection to be saved do the same process.

Save Selection Menu

Load Selection – Loads the saved selection. If there is any existing selection on the image while loading selection then the Load Selection popup menu shows saved selection names. Select which selection we want to load and select any of the four options (New Selection, Add to Selection, Subtract from Selection and Intersect with Selection). If there is no saved selection this option will not available.

Lad Selection Menu

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